Central Iowa Daylily Society (CIDS)
was created by people passionate about daylilies and our mission is to promote Daylilies through education and community outreach. We are a non-profit organization open to the public and pursue our mission through public meetings, auctions and tours of Members gardens. We've created a warm community of Members that benefit from the experience and friendship of their peers.
CIDS meets 7 times throughout the year with additional options to participate in our annual Pollen Dabbers presentation, Tours and Auctions. Becoming a member is a great way to learn more about daylilies and to be amazed at the beautiful possibilities that daylilies can offer in your garden. We are a group that chats freely about our tips and tricks. Please visit our Contact Us section to learn how to become a member at a low rate of $6 annually (or $8 for couples).
Welcome to CIDS
reaching out to educate the World around US.
Contact Us
CIDS Contact:
Don Lovell
3342 275th Street,
Marshalltown IA, 50158
Email: dmlovell@aol.com
Phone: 641-479-1190
Cell: 641-691-5070
Hybridizers and Member Gardens
To become a member of CIDS please feel free to visit any one of our meetings, auctions or tours at any time. You may also contact Don Lovell by the phone number listed below, or submit a contact request through the submission form. Membership is only $6 for a single person, or $8 for a couple annually; payment can be made at a meeting attendance. We support anyone who would like to attend a meeting first to make sure our club is the right fit.
Submission Form:
CIDS Members have opportunities to volunteer and welcome anyone who would like to participate. In the spring and fall we have sales to the public of which we can alway use assistance. We also provide assistance to those who are in need of yard chores or elderly members that need help with seasonal heavy garden work. Feel free to contact Don Lovell (contact information below) or Kathy Larson at 641-752-2264, or submit a Submission Form.
Two CIDS Auctions are held annually. The Spring Auction offers new cultivars by nationally known Hybridizers. Our Fall Auction is supported by generous donations from members that have proven their Daylilies can handle Iowa's zone 4 climate. The Auctions represent the best of both old and new, so no matter what your taste, you will always find something great for your garden. Visit our Calendar to see the Auction dates for this year.
The Annual Club Tour is the pinnacle of our summer activities! At the peak bloom time of the Daylilies, we arrange visits to at least 3 to 5 or more Member gardens.
Several Members have been selected to be a part of the American Hemerocallis Society (AHS) Display Gardens. This honarary distinction provides an excellent visual and educational experience for the novice Daylily grower; or for the experienced gardeners a chance to see the latest and greatest advances in Daylily Hybridizing.
The Tours are open to the public and it is a great time to share fellowship, learn about different hybridizing programs and just have fun! Visit our Calendar to see when the Tours are available.
We have an array of events for you to participate in. You can join us as a member or visit us at an event where you can learn more about the club or buy some Daylilies. We also have volunteer opportunities which need your support; please visit our Contact Us page to learn more about volunteering.
We've listed our Calendar of Events below; view the Event listings by month for event specific locations.
No meetings
February 17: Program by Nan Ripley
Saturday 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Marshalltown Extension Office
2608 S. 2nd St., Marshalltown, IA 50158
Presentation by: Nan Ripley
March 22-23 Pollen Dabbers / Sandy Holmes
Friday 5:00 - 8:30 pm
Saturday 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
Marshalltown Community College Rms: 612, 614
3700 S Center Street
Marshalltown, IA 50158
Presentation by: Sandy Holmes
April 20: Club Meeting & Presentation: Why do I go to Regionals & Occassionally Nationals?
Saturday 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Marshalltown Extension Office
2608 S. 2nd St., Marshalltown, IA 50158
Presentation By: Phil Fass
May TBD: CIDS Plant Sale - all varieties!
Time TBD
Location TBD
Marshalltown, IA 50158
May 20: Club Spring Auction featuring introductions by Sandy Holmes
Saturday 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Marshalltown Extension Office
2608 S. 2nd St., Marshalltown, IA 50158
June: No meeting (Hybridizers must hybridize!)
June 15 - 17: 2022 National Convention American Daylily Society - Daylilies Galore in 2024, Oklahoma City, OK
July 21 - 23: Region 1 Summer Meeting - Minneapolis
Club Tour - (Dates & Locations TBD, usually mid-month)
August 17: Club Fall Auction & Potluck
Saturday 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Marshalltown Extension Office
2608 S. 2nd St., Marshalltown, IA 50158
September 21: Club Meeting & Presentation
Saturday 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Marshalltown Extension Office
2608 S. 2nd St., Marshalltown, IA 50158
Presentation by: TBD
October 19: Club Meeting & Presentation
Saturday 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Marshalltown Extension Office
2608 S. 2nd St., Marshalltown, IA 50158
Presentation By: TBD
November 18: CIDS Holiday Banquet
Date, Time and Location to be determined
December: No meeting (Rest!)
Additional Helpful Information:
Explore additional websites related to Dayliles; view lists of other Hybridizers, search for registered Daylilies on the AHS site, or learn more through our club connections. CIDS has no direct correlation to these sites nor are we promoted to display them, they are simply tools that can be helpful.
Bask in the beauty, creativity and diversity that Daylilies can bring! We hope that the Hybridizers & Members Gardens will inspire you. Click on the name links below to visit each Hybridizer or Member's personal website or to view pictures of their individual Gardens or Daylilies. Some Hybridizers have plants available for sale on their sites and help out the club by donating plants to our auctions or annual public sale. We are grateful to have so many experienced Members in our club, and we hope you enjoy checking out their Gardens. Please note, not all of our Members are listed here, only those that prefer to be displayed on the website.
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Fusion Daylilies
by Kathy Larson
Pollen Dabbers
Every March since 2004, our club hosts our Pollen Dabbers Symposium. Prominent Hybridizers which represent large breeding programs have presented at our Symposium. This is a prime opportunity for Club Members to connect with these Hybridizers without traveling long distances. Some of the guest speakers have included: Dan Bachman, Gus Guzinski, Dan Hansen, Bret Clement, Linda Michaels, Phil Korth, Jim Murphy, Margo Reed, Terry Mann, Jamie Gossard, Bob Faulkner, Richard Norris, Paul Owen, Bob Tankersly-Clark, Mike & Sandy Holmes, Charles & Heidi Douglas, Nikki Schmith, Bill Waldrop, Michael Bouman, Mike Grossman, Kathleen Nordstrom, Tom Keast, David Kirchhoff and Lee Pickles. Visit our Calendar to see when the next Pollen Dabbers Symposium is scheduled!
Fusion Daylilies is the garden of Kathy Larson and Jon McCord, located in the center of Iowa (zone 4). We are grateful for deep black soil and reliable rainfall, even as we endure bitter cold and wind in the winter and hot, humid, windy summers. Our Daylilies are tough!
For the last 5 years Kathy has been crossing species with moderns, back-crossing and sib-crossing, with unexpected results. Here are a few photos of the progress involving H. hakunesis, tet citrina, and H. fulva rosea lines.
They are growing in two display beds that were part of the 2015 Regional Tours.